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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EST

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venezuela's supreme court rules it's illegal to postpone the inauguration of president hugo chavez jus to quote help make pierce his absence could destabilize the country. has arlen bitten off more than they can dublin plans for europe's recovery has eased new president critics say it should deal with its own cash world's first. and the core of the wilders heard in russia's north eastern siberia as a state of emergency is declared over a growing number of those attacking my strong.
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it should be i'm here in moscow you live with us on our to you with me to bomb the day it's good to have you with us the softening first venezuela supreme court has ruled that postponing they now gratian of present charges for a new term in office is legal opposition leader enrique has accepted the ruling after others called the delay on constitutional lawyer eva golinger just says that the matter was open to interpretation by the supreme court but that the president's continued absence could destabilize the government. article two thirty one of the venezuelan constitution does the vote open to interpretation the issue of inauguration when the elected president cannot meet the date of january tenth before the national assembly which is the parliament what the article specifically
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says in a second clause is that in the case of unforeseen circumstances then the president elect will be sworn in before the supreme court but it doesn't give a date for there is another article in the constitution as well under which president chavez was authorized to leave the country for more than five days back in early december in order to undergo surgery and that article allows him to be absent from the country for it's ninety days which can be renewed for another ninety days the issue is whether or not he's now incurring those first ninety days or is he under just the initial authorization now it's really way is it is going to be determined sooner as well because it's there is no question that the president has now been out of the country for more than a month he's been absent from the spotlight there's not really a crisis at this time the opposition is trying to say there is a crisis and there is no doubt they're calling for national strikes all kinds of protests around there already asking for the organization of american states and
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the united states to intervene that's going to be ongoing and yes the longer that chavez is away the more time that will give them to prepare and to further proud of progress with plans to the stabilize his government and try to create some situation where new elections can be can mean this is an amended to put back on track lie with ireland the government has launched a program for the next six months of its presidency with plans to bring back growth and create jobs but some analysts say dublin should better focus on its own problems. island has its own economic problems which are continuing of course as the economic problems which have been happening ever since the euro which created high inflation there and then of course exacerbated the faster they had ready to take on the presidency of the european council is of course a very large piece of work not just for the senior politicians in the government but also for many of the civil servants and be better off spending their time really trying to address arlen's economic difficulties rather than trying to solve
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the problems within the european union which are very great indeed of course unemployment now in the you is alarmingly high and of course the thing is that arlen when he says all of this is a poster boy for austerity means that the irish people are not protesting and taking are there to protest as people in spain and greece have done because we know that austerity at this time can actually work last year in the euro in the single currency it will create more economic problems that's why we see unemployment across the eurozone rising quite alarming are you so he's very happy that arlen is getting on with the policy of austerity but actually it's actually the wrong policy this time as a global financial downturn shows little sign of improvement banking regulators criticized for trying to make life easier for the lenders instead of the public the basil comedy central bankers has loosened the acid rules while trying to prop
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lenders up bargains any future crisis as art is peter oliver reports it's the way the decisions are made that's raising months questions. have you ever heard the wall about the bank is the bill. chances are you probably haven't but six times a year central bank heads from the u.s. europe asia and everywhere in between representing around three quarters of global economic output gather in the swiss city to talk shop behind closed doors i personally also don't like these secretive meetings because. you never know what in effect. is discussed in these meetings it's something that has a tradition that's put there play i mean bankers have always talked to each other in a more secretive way the whole business of banking is not really built on transparency but rather on trust and confidentiality the continuing global financial crisis has seen the banking sector firmly in the spotlight with more than
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a few accusing fingers pointed in the direction of bankers it's the job of the secretive bars all committee to set regulations on banks the chairman of the group says he wants the public to be better informed about the work they do it's not that many years ago since this was basically a group of central banks it's expanded its membership considerably and in the process of that the whole governance arrangements of have changed as well and i think this is an attempt to explain to you in the world in general what those changes amount to and whether critics of the group are scathing in their criticism of what they see as an old boys' club looking out for the needs of banking bosses as opposed to keeping the industry in line bezel three has failed to meet any objective in the you know faint hope of reining in banks this this is what we talk about today the banks does have to be reined in because the banking system in
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itself as a general rule has left as a general rule bottom sense despite mervyn king saying that he wants people to better understand what the basel committee actually do the very nature of the buy. king industry and its need for a certain level of secrecy means that the big decisions that will affect people all over the world will continue to be made by a small group of people we think in the building just behind me peter all of a r.t. barsel switzerland the russian republic of now continue to cloud a war on walls the region in the north east of siberia is now in a state of emergency with a thriving population of the predators posing a major threat to livestock my colleague marina joshie discussed it with archie's tom barton earlier this is very serious situation. here is a vast territory with a very low payment population but a lot of the people who live there rely on reindeer for their livelihood and on the horses the trouble with those herds of reindeer and those. desperately trying to
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get to driven there by hunger because they normal food stuffs are like rabbits a lot more scarce this year so there is some of these pictures show this is a wolf in a zoo but some of these other pictures show wolves in the wild in siberia usually they would stay well away from these reindeer herds but they've been driven there by hunger the killed sixteen thousand reindeer last year that's simply too much the numbers of wolves have reached three thousand five hundred new kuti now and the president of the republic says that's too much to the attrition rate as it were on the reindeer has reached it now too expensive and losing too many reindeer and that's become a serious problem sure it does sound like a serious problem and like you said it probably happens because there is an imbalance of other animals in the forest and that's why the wolves are driven out of the forest and exactly closer to the people so what is the solution to the
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problem under the circumstances is there any at all solution is as you might probably think relatively simple just step up a hunting of the wall sort of a natural coal as it were of the planned coal of the of these wolves so that the president the public has really really gone for that and said rewards will be offered to hunter's six figure awards for the top three hunters the aim is to kill three thousand of the three thousand five hundred wolves. in the next three months starting in a few days' time and that hopefully will bring the numbers down to what experts say is a should be the natural level about five hundred wolves or not three thousand five . hundred take rivalry as drives take center stage in an arms race between tokyo and both sides of the fair military spending struggling for dominance over disputed territory will bring you more analysis
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a little later. and turning conflict into a fun game depicting the downfall of syria's president that allows players to take part in the simulators civil war raises ethical questions more on that after this break. choose your language. of holy week over though in federal court today still some of . the consensus. to the opinions that you have a great deal. choose the stories that impact the life truth be access to. wealthy british style. was right on.
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the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports. that are going to watching our team along divided palestinian groups fatah and hamas saw seeking ways to overcome their differences and ship column their leaders held talks in cairo on wednesday in the latest attempt to bridge the gap between
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the parties and as artie's policia reports it means a lot more palestinian families which have been divided by the political library. it's been five long years since this family was together one thousand eight hundred days since i mean a muslim last saw her son his crime belonging to a group the gaza government was opposed to except this time it wasn't the israelis who forced him into exile but hamas and other brands are at the other i work with family and house in gaza and headed for the west bank but it was only after the negotiations began that seventeen of us were given approval to go back home. it was back in two thousand and seven in a surprise coup that he must took control of gaza from wyvil faction group fatah one hundred sixty one people were killed and more than seven hundred injured when the dust settled the palestinian people were divided a mass was in charge in gaza fatah called the shots in the west bank hundreds fled their homes from both in fear of their lives like other fatah supporters from gaza
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mohammad took refuge in the west bank waiting for the day reconciliation would come . all denied i prayed to god to protect my son muhammad i prayed for his safety and asked god to bring him back home safe and now for the first time we conciliation between the two sides looks promising each feels boosted by recent successes and is more willing to compromise her muscles capitalizing on the recent conflict with israel despite the heavy cost for fatah who's claiming victory after the president mahmoud abbas successfully upgraded palestinian status at the united nations as her mustn't fatter move closer together the irony is that they getting help from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in his right wing policies and rhetoric are winning the palestinian support and sympathy on the international stage it was on that on yahoo's watch that as the recent united nations palestinian statehood bid demonstrated european unfailing support for israel has floundered it was also
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an attorney on whose watch that u.s. is revelations reached their lowest ebb and now it's on his watch again that palestinian unity plausible seems. well for her it's a long term interest of her for starting to cooperate again because otherwise they're running the risk that the worst will be and probably part of the political structure which de facto right now is the case leaders from both sides have a new day calls for reconsideration if you left with them you know you think that of course. between hamas and the catastrophe it's proof for that doesn't mean peace etc etc but for this family nothing can detract from the feeling of gratitude and joy of a father and son coming home they tears and smiles it could a hope that a new chapter in gaza political life police here r.t. on the israel gaza border where the u.s. considering the possibility of removing all of its trees for denniston by the end
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of twenty fourteen president karzai is preparing for crucial talks in washington is meeting with president obama this friday is set to outline america's role in afghanistan with the pentagon still mulling the number of troops that could remain to contain insurgency in the country patricia judge in our politics the professor it's in no one's interest for the u.s. military to leave immediately there's a lot of talk about not leaving any troops there at all however i don't think the u.s. can afford about leaders in the region part of the violence going on there so i think the president will power. but i would assume president karzai is going to want that out because it gives him more. or it makes him look more powerful on the negotiating table and within the context of his own constituency however he also needs some protection so it'll be a little bit of
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a catch twenty two situation for them i think probably hopes to achieve a few things one is continued military support for the afghan troops so they can maintain their own military or army if you will and the second is can. monetary support in some development efforts there with tensions of flaring over disputed islands in the east china sea an arms race between china and japan is escalating while beijing's abusing its drone program to use i in the pages of a cutting edge to you was model japan based journalist james compensates with both sides ready to spend more on the military some stand to gain from the deepening crisis. i think they are preparing to to be ready to commit more more resources to the military expenditures and they're getting ready to do that even as we speak and i think we see really the start of a new normal here and in east asia as unfortunately i think tension military
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tensions are going to lead to increasing military expenditures on both sides as japan is looking to buy some more global hawk drones and china is launching some new line up to its own fleet of drones and i think that washington is perfectly happy to to encourage japan in this not only because it obviously benefits their armaments industry and the defense contractors who stand to make the billions that japan will be spending on increased expenditures but also because i think when the further the wedge is driven between japan and china the more it plays into american hands as long as this doesn't actually come to a full scale war i think the more off balance japan is the better it services america as they seek to get a bigger toehold in the region and i think we're going to see more and more of this because now that abi is in power he's known as a hard line nationalist and now that she jumping is taking the helm of china for the next ten years i think he's looking to to put his stake down it's as someone who can really be a strong defender of china so i think we're really going to see an entrenched
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position on both sides and it looks like there is a new normal of wars and increasing expenditures that are likely for the next several years. that's a real seeking adventure turns it deadly in russia an investigation is underway a giant inflatable ball known as a result plunges of a mountain pulling one man and suit seriously injuring another all the details of the accident on the web site. also online at a new york clothes design the has on the wrong subject big brother producing a line of gone mensa designed to make you aware and nearly invisible to the spy drones all that on our. news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has
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been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are on the day. choose your language. fully recover though if you're going to. come up with.
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treatments that the consensus can. chew through opinions that immigrate to. choose the stories that impact your life choose a access to. good laboratory mccurdy was able to build the needs most sophisticated robots which on critically doesn't give a darn about anything james mission to teach music creation and why it should care about humans in green bay this is why you should care only on. the modem trial for allegedly releasing thousands of secret files to weaken leaks is found if found guilty will have his sentence reduced
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a judge made the ruling because private bradley manning suffered when in detention morris davis a former chief prosecutor at guantanamo prison claims that if you was a big case is a huge embarrassment. i think the government here is overplayed their hand if you recall when the wiki leaks documents were going to come out it reminded me of the y2k scare everybody kind of braced in expecting the worst and then when it came out not much happened and i think that you know the government really overplayed i'm not aware of there being any thing more than embarrassment that has been caused by the wiki leaks documents there been any operations that have been compromised or any individuals harmed i'm not aware of it but it certainly seems at this point this is more of a case of embarrassment than actual harm it seems to be that they're good leaks and they're badly that you know when it helps make the administration look good on a leak is ok when it's an embarrassment like it is with bradley manning you know
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it's a capital offense and now let's take a look at some other stories making headlines at this hour the u.s. concerns over the possibility the u.k. could leave the european union state department says they have a growing relationship with the e.u. and would like to see the key ally continue having a strong voice within the organization these statements that come as u.k. prime minister david cameron prepares to make a speech on the future of european policy later this month he's facing domestic pressure from conservative m.p.'s to commit to a referendum on whether or not the u.k. should remain part of the block. at least nine people have been killed in a series of attacks across iraq a car bomb in baghdad has left at least three people dead and wounded eleven while a series of separate shootings and bombings in the diyala province claim six more lives the victims included an army officer who was gunned down inside his house and
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two gods who were killed in bomb blasts well as sporting a university president the violence out comes a major rising tension in iraq after sunni anti-government rallies swept across the country. some web sites of america's top banks have been hit by a new wave of denial of service attacks it's not clear who is behind these cyber sold but some i.d. experts in the u.s. have pointed the finger at iran be because of the apparent scale of the operation the shuffling attacks began in september and now are viewed by u.s. officials as a likely retaliation for economic sanctions placed on to run iran and the united states have long traded accusations of hacker attacks with something barack obama ordered to speed up souls on to run from his very first months in office. at least eighty five people have been injured with one person in critical condition
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when and then hatton commuter ferry hit up dog near wall street passengers were preparing to disembark when many were thrown into the day due to the force of the collision safety officials are said to investigate the accident on thursday the same assumes drag us all has been involved into question is since two thousand and nine. serious conflict has now entered the realm of internet gaming with one epic asian simulating the nation's civil war the players of and to game syria get the chance to fight on the rebel side only with a peaceful solution not among the recommended tactical options are do you go to preschool not looked at the game and shot his impressions with my colleague kevin calling. well i wouldn't miss this game for the world it's breathtaking action three d. graphics not really it's more about an online card game you can see it there basically has two sides were obviously the regime on one side and the computer
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plays for that and the rebels which the gamer plays for their side basically you choose what sort of in syria or other methods you want to use against the regime and put it up against its weapons then you've got chopper the infantry some more choppers on the weapons and here and so on and then the game basically calculates your chances for success it's pretty much how it works what's being said about the appropriateness of this game as i mentioned thousands and thousands of lives have been lost over the last two years is a huge diplomatic standoff appropriate is this how. well it's unethical at least because the really tens of thousands of people have been killed throughout this conflict has been causing huge diplomatic problems not only with syria but between other world players this game did try to reflect so you could you could see it
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there the political fees the developers have been saying that the game was beast on real media reports from the real situation in the in in syria. of all here there's the perfect example china which is automatically given by the game it's here represented as a country which supports the regime although we haven't heard any open statements from the chinese government russia is put in the same line with iran. has also actually has more hasn't openly supported president assad's regime either and neither has the russian fact we've been hearing constantly from moscow saying that it is not taking any side of the conflict but there's only one outcome apparently to this game no the only outcome well it does. actually there were no it offers a peace offer but to the game itself recommends the user not choose a bat since it says that then you won't get much credit among the rebels so basically the best ending off this game particularly is the fall of the regime.
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